Groupon Coupon & Promo Codes - February 2025

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Groupon Coupon & Promo Codes - February 2025

Groupon is your ultimate destination to find the best local deals and offers in the UAE. It is famous for bringing exciting discount opportunities on the majority of hotels, restaurants, leisure activities, salons, spas, fitness centres, automotive services, home services, personal services, and much more. If you are looking to save big, then make use of the latest Groupon Coupon Codes.
It also brings you the best discounts on your favourite shops that sell flowers, sweets, gifts, personalised items, and much more. Whether you want to enjoy scrumptious food, book a hotel, get services from your preferred salon or purchase a thoughtful present for your loved one with a beautiful flower bouquet, you can save big on all that with Groupon Discount Codes.
From Spa at Movenpick, Royal Island Beach Club, At The Top Burj Khalifa, Sofitel Spa, Grand Café Boulevard, and Kart Mania Sports Tracks to Carlton Palace Hotel, Carlton Al Barsha Hotel, Crown Plaza Yas Island, and many other places, you can save big. So, get your hands on the most popular Groupon Deals now from our platform.

Groupon Coupons, Voucher and Discounts

90% Off Code

Loyalty Points

Groupon Promo Code: Up to 90% Off + Extra 15% Off on Local Deals

Groupon is offering an amazing discount on all local deals for their customers. Enjoy amazing and top quality, home services, automobile repairing and so mcuh more to get a discount off on your order by using the given Groupon code at checkout.

Groupon Discount Code:

Code EXTRA15
Discount Extra 15% Off
Min. Order Value
Applicable On Deals
Valid For All Customers

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
13433 Times Used

Groupon is offering an amazing discount on all local deals for their customers. Enjoy amazing and top quality, home services, automobile repairing and so mcuh more to get a discount off on your order by using the given Groupon code at checkout.

Groupon Discount Code:

Code EXTRA15
Discount Extra 15% Off
Min. Order Value
Applicable On Deals
Valid For All Customers
Show Coupon
65% Off Food & Drinks

Loyalty Points

Groupon Voucher Code: Up to 65% Off + Extra 15% Off on Food & Drinks

Enjoy eating famous foods, cuisines, platters and many more dishes of your choice while saving big only from Groupon. Use the given Groupon UAE code to get a discount on food & drinks.

Groupon Offer:

Code EXTRA15
Discount Extra 15% Off
Min. Order Value
Applicable On Food & Drinks
Valid For All Customers

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
11861 Times Used

Enjoy eating famous foods, cuisines, platters and many more dishes of your choice while saving big only from Groupon. Use the given Groupon UAE code to get a discount on food & drinks.

Groupon Offer:

Code EXTRA15
Discount Extra 15% Off
Min. Order Value
Applicable On Food & Drinks
Valid For All Customers
Show Coupon
95% Off Code

Loyalty Points

Groupon Offer: Up to 95% Off + Extra 15% Off on Things To Do Deals

Discover the top things to do in the UAE while enjoying huge savings, only from Groupon. Select your favourite adventure escape in the sunny land and use this special Groupon promo code to get an extra discount off on all things to do deals.

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
10773 Times Used

Discover the top things to do in the UAE while enjoying huge savings, only from Groupon. Select your favourite adventure escape in the sunny land and use this special Groupon promo code to get an extra discount off on all things to do deals.

Show Coupon
85% Off Health & Fitness

Loyalty Points

Groupon Deal: Up to 85% Off + Extra 15% Off on Health & Fitness

Stay fit & healthy while enjoying huge discounts from Groupon UAE. Enjoy swimming, yoga, massage, and more and use this Groupon discount code to get up to 85 % off with an extra off on health & fitness.

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
9602 Times Used

Stay fit & healthy while enjoying huge discounts from Groupon UAE. Enjoy swimming, yoga, massage, and more and use this Groupon discount code to get up to 85 % off with an extra off on health & fitness.

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75% Off Automotive

Loyalty Points

Groupon Discount Code: Up to 75% Off + Extra 15% Off on Automotive

Get your car clean or repaired while saving big only from Groupon UAE. Get up to 75% of with an extra discount by using the given Groupon coupon code at checkout.

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
8479 Times Used

Get your car clean or repaired while saving big only from Groupon UAE. Get up to 75% of with an extra discount by using the given Groupon coupon code at checkout.

Show Coupon
90% Off Home Services

Loyalty Points

Groupon Offer Code: Up to 90% Off + Extra 15% Off on Home Services

Groupon is offering a great discount on home services for all the people of UAE. Get your house clean, plan interior design, build garden and more and get up to 90% off with extra off by using this Groupon promo offer.

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
7384 Times Used

Groupon is offering a great discount on home services for all the people of UAE. Get your house clean, plan interior design, build garden and more and get up to 90% off with extra off by using this Groupon promo offer.

Show Coupon
96% Off Personal Services

Loyalty Points

Groupon Promo Offer: Up to 96% Off + Extra 15% Off on Personal Services

Groupon is bringing you the best personal service deals at affordable rates like laundry, pet care, photography, tutoring, and many more. Choose your favoured personal service and use this Groupon code at checkout to get an awesome discount on your personal services deal.

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
6319 Times Used

Groupon is bringing you the best personal service deals at affordable rates like laundry, pet care, photography, tutoring, and many more. Choose your favoured personal service and use this Groupon code at checkout to get an awesome discount on your personal services deal.

Show Coupon
70% Off Hotels

Loyalty Points

Groupon Promotion Code: Up to 70% Off + Extra 15% Off on Hotels & Travel

Travel to your dream destinations and book a luxury hotel at discounted prices from Groupon UAE. Book your tickets now and use this Groupon voucher code to get a discount with an extra off on hotels & travels.

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
5275 Times Used

Travel to your dream destinations and book a luxury hotel at discounted prices from Groupon UAE. Book your tickets now and use this Groupon voucher code to get a discount with an extra off on hotels & travels.

Show Coupon
15% Off App Order

Loyalty Points

Groupon App Code: Flat 15% Off on your App Order

Groupon makes getting all sorts of deals on restaurants, hotels, travelling, personal care services and more easy and affordable through their amazing Groupon App promo code at checkout.

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
3956 Times Used

Groupon makes getting all sorts of deals on restaurants, hotels, travelling, personal care services and more easy and affordable through their amazing Groupon App promo code at checkout.

Show Coupon
65% Off Gift Ideas

Loyalty Points

Groupon Code: Up to 65% Off + Extra 15% Off on Gift Ideas

Surprise your loved ones with amazing gifts while saving big only from Groupon UAE. Use the given Groupon discount offer to get up to 65% off plus an extra discount on gift ideas.

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
2540 Times Used

Surprise your loved ones with amazing gifts while saving big only from Groupon UAE. Use the given Groupon discount offer to get up to 65% off plus an extra discount on gift ideas.

Show Coupon
New Customer Code

Loyalty Points

Groupon Coupon: Flat 15% Off on Your First Order

Groupon is offering an amazing deal for their new customers in UAE. Choose your favorite deal for restaurants, beauty treatments, health & fitness and more and get a flat disocunt by using the Groupon first order promo.

Flat 2.4% Sale Points
1371 Times Used

Groupon is offering an amazing deal for their new customers in UAE. Choose your favorite deal for restaurants, beauty treatments, health & fitness and more and get a flat disocunt by using the Groupon first order promo.

Show Coupon

View Offers by Category


More About Groupon

Groupon was founded in November 2008 and gradually became a famous online portal for exciting deals and offers in the world including the UAE. If you are looking for superb discounts on the majority of local services, experiences, accommodation, consumer goods, and much more, then it is the best place for you. Get your hands on one of the frequently used Groupon Promo Code and avail everything within your budget.

By choosing Groupon, you can save a significant sum of money on the best local eateries, gyms, hotels, attractions, activities, and much more in the UAE. You will be amazed by the unbeatable deals that are available on its website as well as its mobile app. What’s more interesting is that using Groupon Offers can help you to avail fantastic discounts.

Groupon’s Wide Range of Deals and Offers

If you are in search of a place where you can find exceptional offers for everything, then Groupon is the perfect place to visit. The majority of discount hunters recommend it because they can save big. Not only that it covers the best local restaurants, salons, fitness centres, and shops but also features getaways, tours, hotels, and air-inclusive packages. Go through the following sections and find out everything about its unique offerings that you can get at reduced prices with Groupon Discount Code. If you want to know more, then go through the following sections:

Beauty Salons and Spas - Groupon has got the best offers for those who wish to save big on beauty, wellness, and grooming services in the UAE. From women to men, it brings unmatched possibilities for everyone. All you will need is to grab the latest Groupon Coupon Code and use them to get your desired deals with great discounts.

From Rifa Beauty Salon, Seagull Wellness International, Style Age Clinic, Baravia Beauty Center, Rosmetic Medical Center, and many other places for women to Hola Gents Salon, Silver Signature Gents Salon, High End Gents Salon, 5 Degrees Gents Salon, and other famous salons for men, it covers hundreds of options. Not to mention, you can redeem unimaginable discounts by using Groupon Gift Code on all these service providers.

Beauty Salons and Spas

Health and Fitness Centres - With Groupon, you can easily find irresistible discounts on your preferred fitness centres, health centres, therapy centres, and health products in the UAE. You will discover fantastic deals but you also have the chance to save more with the latest Groupon Promo Code.

There are hundreds of such places that Groupon covers. Some of these include The Burj Club Gym, Dr. Nutrition Center, The Body Lab, Team Thai Optical, Cosmetic Art Dental Clinic, Jamil Optics, and many others. So, visit its website now, check out the available deals, and get them at reduced prices with Groupon Discount Code.

Health and Fitness Centres

Food and Drinks - If you love dining out and trying new cuisines at your favourite eateries, then do not forget to check out Groupon’s website. It keeps on bringing the most exciting deals on top restaurants where you can enjoy scrumptious meals while saving big with the latest offers. If you want to save more, then use Groupon UAE Promo Code at checkout.

You can find unmatched deals for a huge number of restaurants in the UAE. From Sweet Factory, Shugah, DineBest, Mamma Italia, and Sicily Café & Restaurant to Grand Café Boulevard, The Pizza Company, Bikers Café, The Market Place at Marriott Hotel, and many others, you will discover all your favourite options at a single place. Plus, you can save big by using Groupon Coupon Code.

Food and Drinks

Personal Services - Groupon can help you to avail exclusive discounts on all your preferred personal services. From veterinary clinics, photography services, driving schools, and dance schools to pet spas, online learning platforms, and much more, there is nothing that you won’t find on its website. The best part is that you can save a lot of money by making use of Groupon Voucher Code UAE.

Whether you want to redeem cool discounts on Galadari Motor Driving Centre, Photobook Emirates, STU Williamson Photography or spend less on services by Zaiyna Laundry & Dry Cleaning, Adore Love Pamper Pets Boarding and Grooming, Arthur Murray Dance School, etc., Groupon has got you covered. Always remember to redeem cool discounts with Groupon Promo Code.

Personal Services

Home Services - Next to personal services, Groupon also covers a huge range of home services. These include home cleaning services, home maintenance services, pest control services, technical services, housekeeping services, and much more. You can find everything to keep your home clean and maintained while availing big discounts with Groupon Coupon Code.

There are superb deals on all the most in-demand home services in the UAE. Some of these include Urban Housekeeping LLC, La Cote Technical Services, Neat and Net, Maahir Technical Services, Elite Xpress Cleaning LLC, and many others. So, don’t wait and grab the latest Groupon Deals now to get everything done at the lowest prices.

Home Services

Automotive Services - Don’t worry about the huge amount of money that you spend on automobile services in the UAE. Now you can get your car fixed at the lowest prices with Groupon. It covers all the major car cleaning services, car repair services, car maintenance services, and car rental services. From detailing to mechanical work, you can easily save big on everything with the latest Groupon Discount Code.

Groupon brings the majority of famous automotive service providers under its roof. Some of the top names include Apex Auto Garage Abu Dhabi, 800 Battery, Manchester Tyre Trading LLC, Tint and Sun, Tornado Auto Services, World Rent A Car FZCO, eZhire – Rental Car, and many others. So, all you need is to get your hands on one of the Groupon Promo Code that we offer.

Automotive Services

Activities - Groupon is the best place if you want to grab the best deals for your favourite attractions and leisure activities in the UAE. From At The Top Burj Khalifa, The Dubai Fountain Broadwalk, Jump Boxx, Chillout, Al Ain Zoo, and Dubai Kartdrome to Meydan Golf, International Open Academy, Arabian Desert Safari, and much more, there is a lot that you can enjoy at affordable prices with Groupon Offers.

Whether you are a local resident or a tourist, Groupon makes it possible for you to enjoy all your desired activities at reduced prices. With its exclusive deals, you can make unforgettable memories within your budget. In addition to that, using Groupon UAE Promo Code can bring you unimaginable discounts at checkout.

Accommodation - If you have a limited budget and want to avail the best travelling and accommodation services in the UAE, then don’t worry. Visit Groupon at any time and find exciting deals. From hotels and apartments to villas and resorts, you can make your bookings while saving a considerable sum of money with Groupon Discount Code.

From Flamingo Beach Resort, Tilal Liwa Hotel, Carlton Al Barsha Hotel, Royal Residence Resort to BM Beach Resort, Yas Island Rotana, Centro Yas Island, Carlton Downtown Hotel, and many others, there are countless options that you can choose and book at amazing prices with Groupon Promo Code.

How to Get the Latest Groupon Deals?

We are dedicated to ensuring maximum convenience to our users in the UAE. Therefore, we have made it easier for them to grab the latest coupons and vouchers from our website. If you are willing to get access to the most popular Groupon Coupon Code, then you will need to follow the simple steps that are mentioned below:

  1. Visit and type Groupon in the provided search bar.

    Search Groupon

  2. Browse the available discount codes, choose one of them, and click “SHOW COUPON”.

    Show Groupon Promo

  3. Now copy the voucher and click on “GO TO THE STORE” to visit Groupon’s official website.

    Copy Groupon Promo

How to Use Groupon Voucher Code UAE?

We are known for providing our users with easy-to-use discount codes that never disappoint them. If you have got your desired Groupon Promo Code, then look no further because using them is also as easy as getting them from our website. Just remember the following steps to avoid any inconvenience:

  1. Visit Groupon’s official website if you want to redeem wonderful discounts.
  2. Explore the available deals and add your desired ones to the cart.
  3. Now go to checkout and apply the copied Groupon Coupon Code in the promo code box.
  4. Once applied, the cart will show a new reduced amount to be paid.
  5. Choose one of your preferred payment methods and finish your purchase.
  6. Provide all other required details and information.
  7. That’s all you need to save big with Groupon Offers.

Groupon Discount Guide for February 2025

We work hard and strive at our best to make sure that our users can easily redeem big discounts. In addition to that, we don’t just provide them with the latest Groupon Deals, but we also bring helpful discount tips and tricks so that they can make the most out of these offers. If you are interested in taking complete advantage of our coupons, then do not forget to go through this exclusive guide:

Groupon Discount Tips:

Groupon is a trusted and recognised platform where you can discover the best local deals in the UAE. To make it more exciting for you, our experts have gathered some exclusive secrets that can help you in saving big with Groupon Discount Code. So, take a look at the following suggestions and try to remember them:

  • Frequently visit Groupon’s website to find out its latest deals.
  • Use its mobile app and save big with Groupon App Codes.
  • Subscribe to its newsletter and get all the updates through emails.
  • Pay online and avail great discounts with Groupon Visa Card Deals.
  • Stay connected with Coupon AE to find more exciting vouchers.

Groupon Features:

Groupon is not only the place where you will find irresistible deals and offers in the UAE but also enjoy great benefits. In addition to the wonderful discounts that you get with Groupon Coupon Code, mentioned below are all those exclusive value additions:

  • Find irresistible seasonal deals, offers, and other exciting discount opportunities.
  • Browse deals by price, distance, rating, city, and other preferences.
  • Make affordable and quick online bookings from a single platform.
  • Save big by making online payments and using Groupon Mastercard Offers.
  • Get excellent customer care and support in the UAE.

Find Great Deals and Save Big with Groupon UAE Promo Code

The biggest advantage of choosing online platforms is that you can save as much as you want. From a wide range of options and market-competitive prices to flexible policies and unbelievable discounts, there is a lot that you can enjoy. When it is about getting your hands on the top deals and offers, then you should choose Groupon. Also, you can slash the prices further if you have the latest Groupon Coupon Code.

Groupon Customer Care and Contact Details

Famous online platforms like Groupon and others understand the importance of providing their customers with excellent support and assistance. If you have any queries or concerns regarding its deals or Groupon Promo Code, then you can reach out to its support agents right away. Simply call at +971 800 035770106 or send an email at [email protected].

Socialize with Groupon

Social media allows you to follow your favourite brands, services providers, and much more. By becoming Groupon’s follower, you will get access to up-to-date news and insights including the latest chances to use Groupon Discount Code. So, don’t wait and follow it now on the below-mentioned links:


Why Choose Coupon.AE for Groupon Coupon Code?

Our platform is known as the best source for discount codes in the UAE. From top online shopping places to renowned service providers, we bring great deals and offers on everything. Our users not only save a lot of money but also get several value additions like easy access, free coupons, and much more. So, if you are in search of the most exclusive Groupon UAE Promo Code, then choose us.

You will be surprised to know that we also cover the majority of similar online platforms. Just like Groupon Deals, we bring unmatched offers for top online stores and service providers in the UAE such as The Entertainer, Cobone, livingkool, and many others.

Active and Verified Groupon Promo Codes

Coupon AE is your ultimate destination if you want to get valid and working Groupon Coupon Codes. Our professionals diligently test and verify all the vouchers that are available on our website. Therefore, you can always choose us without any worries. You will not only get the best discounts but also recommend us to others.

In addition to Groupon Offers and vouchers, our platform is full of coupons for all other in-demand product categories and services. If you are in the UAE, then you do not have to look anywhere else for the best discounts on Everyday Services, Massgae & Spa, Sightseeing and much more.

Very Responsive and Active on Social Media

We want all our users to keep enjoying the various benefits by connecting with us on social media platforms. By doing this, our users stay up-to-date with the latest news, discount secrets, new promotions, and popular coupons. If you don’t want to miss anything important regarding Groupon Deals, then start following us now on Facebook and Instagram.

Enjoy Incomparable Discounts with Groupon Black Friday Deals 2025

Throughout the year we all are in search of some incomparable discounts but don’t worry as the most hyped Black Friday Sale is here. To make this sale even more startling for you Groupon is here for the salvage as it embraces the top-tier discounts on every bit of amenities like Beauty Salon & Spas, Health & Fitness Centres, Food & Drinks and whatnot. So go and save instant cash like never before by redeeming the Black Friday Sales UAE .

Relish Massive Discounts with Groupon Ramadan Sale 2025

Get the most electrifying deals in town on your favourite genres as Groupon has come up with the striking Ramadan Discount Offers that Emiratis are drooling over for. Its web store is filled with exciting packages that you can avail of all-embracing Café, Restaurants, Travel and more niches. On top of everything, you can win electrifying discounts on the go with the help of the utmost Ramadan Beauty Deals.
